Saturday, February 28, 2009

Importance: High

The most important things must be communicated when Mommy is in the bathroom.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Since we got a flat top stove, I have now twice melted plastic on it. Turned on the wrong eye, which I was using to put the package of cheese and butter for my grilled cheese. I love the smell of burnt plastic :P
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

On Motherhood

Being a mom is great. I get to perform miraculous surgery on a plastic bunny - all without going to medical school!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ill. Wal-Mart employee sets himself on fire, dies

Further proof of how Wal-Mart is evil. Look what working there does to its employees!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Email blogging

Trying this email blog thing from the crackberry...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I had someone tell me today that I looked "punk prep." Anyone got a good definition of "punk prep?"

Seriously??? 3rd time today... I hope this is not a sign that I am going to die in a MVA today.

Today must be "everyone pull out in front of Alice while she drives" day. Next time, someone please inform me!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tonight's episode of my favorite show LOST was one of the best I've seen since the start of the series. In the first season, we saw John Locke as one of the most interesting characters. As the seasons worn on, his character seemed to change as he tried to find his way. Once Locke knew his purpose, he was unwavering - some might call him a zealot or obsessed. I find it compelling that Locke's character has a messianic quality - the note to Jack is interesting. It seems like something Locke would say. But now that we know he was killed by Ben (who should never be trusted) - did Ben write the 'suicide note' or did Locke write it before Ben stopped him mid-hanging? What prompted Ben to kill Locke? Was it when he found out Jin was alive or when Locke mentioned the woman's name?

Who is your favorige character on LOST, and why?

I have decided to give up logging on to facebook for lent. I still have the app on my Blackberry, so I will see comments, friend requests,etc. I will only be checking that when I get a new message so that they don't clog up my phone for the next 40 days. I still can blog and have it update as a note on FB. I just didn't want for people to think that I was breaking my promise to sacrifice this. I need to do this because the computer and technology have become more of a negative in my life lately. I need to scale back on my screen time so that I can be a better child of God, a better wife, a better mother and a better employee. If you have given up, sacrificed anything - send me an email:, and I'll pray for you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear a client's story for the first time. People are facinating for so many different reasons and on so many levels. I'm also often pleasantly surprised when I get what I call a "therapy convert." A new client today came in hesitant, unsure if "this" would help them. My intern led the session, but as I listened, I became more and more drawn into the story. Of course I cannot relate any of that here. But suffice it to say that having someone to "just listen,"- without interrupting, without passing judgement, with full attention- that was enough to gain another "convert." I can say that we were all relieved by the end of the session when we heard, "You know, this just might help me after all."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blogging from the blackberry... Oh yeah life is good :)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We are waiting for the temp to come up a bit before we brave the snow. I should say, I am waiting - the boys would go out right now. It's only 20 degrees. brrrr

Monday, February 02, 2009

People in East Tennessee STILL talk about "The Blizzard of '93." Today it is snowing more than it has in a few years. I think people are hoping for a blizzard or something that shuts things down for a few days.

Cole told me a few days ago that he wanted it to snow again so that he could build a snow man. I hope he gets his wish. The last snow we had a few weeks ago was a piddly 1/2 of an inch. Cole and Aidan excitedly ran outside - after putting on 2 of every piece of clothing - Cole scooped up what he could from the grass, with the grass still showing thru, mind you. Disappointedly, he looked at his hands, and said "this won't work!"

We played in the driveway snow, since the grass didn't give us what we wanted. I took the opportunity to educate them about types of snow - this snow was too 'powdery' to make snowballs or snowmen. You need a good amount of sticky, 'wet' snow to be able to roll it into a ball.

They still tried to make snowballs. We quickly discovered that this snow will stick to our fabric gloves, making for wet, cold hands. We switched out gloves, seeing as how around our house, we have at least 3 or 4 of everything (people give you double when you have twins - it multiplies quickly!).

In the end, it took longer to get ready to play than was spend outside. I hope that today, after daddy picks them up from daycare, that they can play some more. Maybe it will be a more satisfying experience. Right now, watching it fall, is a very soothing, calming experience for me. I wish I had some hot cocoa.

I'm thinking about resurrecting my blog. maybe adding it to my facebook account.