Monday, February 02, 2009

People in East Tennessee STILL talk about "The Blizzard of '93." Today it is snowing more than it has in a few years. I think people are hoping for a blizzard or something that shuts things down for a few days.

Cole told me a few days ago that he wanted it to snow again so that he could build a snow man. I hope he gets his wish. The last snow we had a few weeks ago was a piddly 1/2 of an inch. Cole and Aidan excitedly ran outside - after putting on 2 of every piece of clothing - Cole scooped up what he could from the grass, with the grass still showing thru, mind you. Disappointedly, he looked at his hands, and said "this won't work!"

We played in the driveway snow, since the grass didn't give us what we wanted. I took the opportunity to educate them about types of snow - this snow was too 'powdery' to make snowballs or snowmen. You need a good amount of sticky, 'wet' snow to be able to roll it into a ball.

They still tried to make snowballs. We quickly discovered that this snow will stick to our fabric gloves, making for wet, cold hands. We switched out gloves, seeing as how around our house, we have at least 3 or 4 of everything (people give you double when you have twins - it multiplies quickly!).

In the end, it took longer to get ready to play than was spend outside. I hope that today, after daddy picks them up from daycare, that they can play some more. Maybe it will be a more satisfying experience. Right now, watching it fall, is a very soothing, calming experience for me. I wish I had some hot cocoa.


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