Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I've spent the first hour of my day picking up the slack for people who don't want to work. Not the people in my office but people on a community coalition organizing (or disorganizing) the zoo event. It is very appropriate for us to have this event at the zoo; that's what this committee feels like -- a zoo.

If I send you something in Excel, don't copy it to the body of an email and send it back. duh.

I met with my doula last night. It made me feel much better. I need her support so that I can know what my choices are for birth. I am keeping my Monday appointment with my current OB/GYN, and she is coming with me. I have a LOOONG list of questions for him that she and I discussed last night. I feel more in control of things and she gave me some good ideas. One of them was to be more positive in the things I write in this blog. I'll put something positive in here everyday (or at least try). Being a social worker and knowing just a little about human psychology, I KNOW that being positive helps your attitude and your mental health. Getting there is a little more difficult. For me, what makes being positive difficult is when I have physical pain.

I talked to my boss yesterday again about a decision on working from home. He has not discussed it with the board yet and said that he would have to do that. I don't want to pressure him for a decision, but I need to know something soon. I have a feeling this will be a play it by ear thing. That's how everything is for him.

I tried to call my mom at work but I can't get ahold of her. I wanted to talk to her about meeting with the doula.

More later....


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