Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My mom's Sunday School class is giving her a Grandmother's shower. I've never heard of such a thing, but it sounds like a very nice gesture. I was invited to come so that's what I'm doing tonight.

I don't think I've blogged much about my brother Cody. He is 13 years old and very much a teenager. He is probably the most hilarious person I know. He apparently told my mom that he should have an "Uncle's shower." He wanted to register for X-Box games to play while we were all taking care of babies. He's a funny guy and strangely similar to my husband.

Today started out good at work. I told my boss yesterday that I needed to talk to him and he acutally just came into my office to talk to me. We aren't finished but he had to leave. He did promise to finish our conversation when he comes back. We better because I told him we needed to talk about my maternity leave and working from home. That reminds me, I need to call the people who will be my pediatrician...


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