Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What was that thought?

 After rediscovering my blog, I had so many ideas for posts swirling in my brain! Aaaannnnd now they’re gone. 

My late 30s and 40s have been an interesting time of collecting medical diagnoses, one of which is hypothyroidism. My thyroid has pooped out for unknown reasons. It’s partly genetic - my paternal grandmother had hypothyroidism, my paternal cousin and maternal aunt do as well. So can we say “genetically doomed”? Maybe so.

Symptoms include anything that controls every function of your body, including your brain for focus, concentration, and memory. Look it up - the thyroid controls EVERYTHING. Did I learn this in high school anatomy and physiology? I don’t remember haha. 

So I take replacement thyroid hormones and they do help. I can’t understate how much I was struggling mentally before I started treatment, but my short term memory is still crap. I try to write things down and it works some of the time. Getting enough sleep also helps - oh yeah, I also have a sleep disorder!

Trying to not be anxious about what I’ve forgotten also helps. The more stressed I am, the less I’m able to recall things later. That’s simply how stress affects memory. So eventually, if it’s important enough, I’ll remember what I wanted to write about!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Wow mamma - long time, no see

 I met up with some of my college friends for a mini reunion a few weeks ago. One of my friends reminded me of this blog and  how it helped her through a rough time in her life. It helped me at a rough time to write everything out. I am grateful that it helped someone else as well.

Since then, I found this blog again and have been daydreaming about different ways to revive it, including topics to post about and how much privacy I want for myself and that others deserve when I am writing. At the time, it was a diary, and it was likely some over sharing. It’s difficult to determine where to draw that line. It probably shouldn’t be an open diary to verbally vomit all over the internet. It’s probably helpful to myself and maybe others if I am authentic and true to myself when I do write on a public post. I hear the voices of my past English teachers saying to determine my audience. Seems like a little work in progress…

A few random thoughts- my friend and a few others who have read “published” writings have commented on how I am a good writer. I’m not sure how to take that - right or wrong, I’m always comparing myself. Another classmate of mine is a very accomplished writer - you’d know who it is if I said. It’s human to compare. I understand it, but I don’t like the emotions dredging up. So just avoid it, right? Or do I keep on? Seems like writing helps so I suppose if I consider my purpose (self help and maybe helping others vs. fame and popularity) and consider my audience (for me and a small few) I can keep my own thoughts and feelings in perspective.

Other randomness - topics to write about 

- parenting adults - yes the babies featured on this blog are now “adults” 

- caregiving for aging parents - ugh, just I don’t even know what to say right now

- physical changes in middle age - pain and suffering, ugh x2

- combating loneliness in adulthood - let’s just rip the bandage right off and remember to take your meds

- politics and religion - depends on how feisty I’m feeling that day

Friday, November 06, 2009

Stressful jobs that pay badly - Social worker (1) - CNNMoney.com

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Halls plagued by butts

Halls Has it!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

74-year-old woman to be charged in agg. assault with vehicle

Watch out for the angry senior citizens!
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Monday, August 17, 2009

CNN || Commentary: How insurance firms drive debate

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin - TIME

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