Friday, July 09, 2004

Midnight Party

The boys decided to have a party last night after their 12:30 am feeding. They were awake for 2 hours. I started to have a breakdown myself when they would not settle after that long. Everything is magnified when you have two. Not multiplicitive but geometric.

Here I am showing my nerdiness. Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I remember, a multiplicitive increase means you multiply times a certain number. You would think that having two babies would only magnify a problem times two. A geometric increase means you increase something to a certain power. So really, your problem increases by two to the Nth power. I'm not sure what N equals when you have twins, but I KNOW that the fussiness was more than just the fussiness of two babies put together. They feed on one another when they get that fussy. Add in Mom's lack of sleep = A Geometric increase in fussiness.

I didn't want to, but I had to wake up Daddy to help.

Tomorrow we are going to Mamaw's house. I am starting to dread her visits because she is just so loud. Some people just have a loud voice, and I guess they don't realize it. Or maybe they are used to it. My family is not loud. For some reason, Cory is not loud like his mom and his brother. She is also extrememly directive in how she relates to people. I do not respond to either the noise or the directives very well. I'm going to try to keep an open mind and not get worked up about it before we go. I may go with Cory and his brother to see Spider Man 2. I can't be annoyed for very long with the woman who will keep the boys so that I can get out.

My college friends and I have a new blog. It is for W&L Alumni. Our school was actually a question on Jeopardy last night. Can you believe that guy who has won on that show for 27 days straight? Talk about a hero for the nerds of the world!


Blogger Kristal said...

My husband's family is the same way. I have never gotten used to the loudness... It doesn't help that they use a lot of profanity and talk a great deal about sex. LOL... you didn't hear any of that when I was growing up. My face stays red most of the time I am around them!

6:32 PM  

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