Thursday, July 08, 2004

I need some new blogs to read...

It seems like several people blogging are trying to lose weight. They are documenting their progress on their blogs. It must be the theme for the day, since I've also been thinking about my health and lifestyle changes that need to be made. I don't go back to the doctor until the 27th, but I suppose I should enlist her advice in this process.

I accomplished a lot today:
1. Called doc to find out when I had my appt. (lost my card)
2. Called newspaper to re-subscribe. (they should give it to me for free since I contribute to their news at least once a month!)
3. Called mortgage company about possibly refinancing our loan.
4. Applied to be a peer reviewer for some federal grants.
5. Looked into other work from home opportunties, not sure if they are legit since some money is required up front. I heard about the company on NPR, and it seemed bona fide. Cory questions it, however. Oh well, I'll have to do some more checking around.
6. Oh yeah, took care of two babies (with a lot of help from my mom)


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