Wednesday, July 07, 2004

It's been pretty much a mundane day here in maternity-leave-land. I have throughly enjoyed it.

I won't bore everyone with the details. It's pretty much just babies, bottles, crying, pee, poop, clothes changes, and lack of sleep around here. Our day is considered exciting if someone is not quick on the draw with the diaper and gets hit with the pee-shooter. The odds are good that this will happen on average of once daily since we have TWO little boys.

My grandmother stopped by today. She truly offered to keep the boys when I have to return to work. Cory will likely have Mondays off consistently. My grandmother works in the "intimate apparel" section of a department store. She mainly works at her age (I think mid-70's?) to stay away from my granddaddy and for her hospitalization insurance. She says she could still work on the weekend and on Mondays and keep her insurance. If she keeps the boys, she will still be away from my granddaddy (he defines the words "codger" and "uncouth").

My mind is much more at ease now that I know we have better options for child care. I still REALLY REALLY REALLY want to stay at home, but this is second best. My mom is still looking into the FMLA for her to possibly keep them for a few months.

What a relief.

If anyone knows of some options for work at home, I will entertain (most) anything that pays at this point. I have many skills and can learn to do anything! Please help!


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