Thursday, April 08, 2004

When I met with my doula, she told me that I should try to walk at least a mile 3 times a week. The state mental hospital has a nice walking trail, and I happened to have a meeting there yesterday. I ended up walking 1 1/2 miles. That trail is too hilly for me to do right now. It was a real workout for me. I used to walk that trail pretty regularly when we lived in a nearby apartment. I could walk the 2 1/4 miles in about 40-45 minutes (still pretty slow, but not so bad for me). It took me 40 minutes to walk that mile and a half yesterday. I'm going to stick to trails that are flat from now on!

I went to choir practice after that and that was my second workout! I had not been to a full rehearsal in several weeks because of our vacation. I also did not sing the cantata on Palm Sunday because they stand the whole time. Not happening. I really wanted to sing on Easter, but I don't know if I can do it. I was so tired. I was miffed at the fact that I can't be very loud because I can't fill up my lungs. I'm going to have to ask Jane if I can sit on the end of the row. She HAS to always have the end seat. I normally do not mind, but it would help me a lot if I could. I was planning to quit choir after Easter, but I may not even be able to sing then. There is a Maundy Thursday service tonight and the choir is doing one piece. I think i'll try to do that.

It is really annoying that I have to give up one of my favorite things because I am pregnant. Singing is my outlet, and I have been blessed to find a church with a choir that is extremely talented. We do pieces that I did in high school and college. Not very easy.

I love to be challenged while simultaneously doing something that helps me relieve my stress. Sometimes I go to rehearsal just wiped out from the day's events. I think, "I don't know if I can do this tonight." Then, I get in the groove singing and when it's over, I am so energized. Leaving the choir, even if it is not permanent, is not going to be easy for me.

I gave the dog a bath last night and she ran in circles around the house after I let her out of the bathroom. I think my next job will be as a dog psychologist.


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