To Sleep Per Chance To Dream... Redux
Sleep is an interesting function of the human body. I have had many encounters with sleep in my lifetime. I used to use sleep as a way to escape from life when I was in a deep depression. Others find sleep elusive when they are depressed or anxious. I had my first encounters with sleep deprivation when I was in college. Coffee and other caffinated beverages became a staple. I discovered a deeper level of sleep deprivation when my children were born.
My brother has recently made revelations to us that he struggles wtih insomnia. I never thought he would do it, but he is on an anti-depressant and a sleep medication. I think he is very brave and couragous to seek help for his problem with a medical solution and not a bottle of beer or pain pills. He has also taken it a step futher and sought counseling - this BEFORE he tried the meds. Kudos to you bro.
The boys had a nasty stomach virus that has been going around town. I got it after they got better. Since then, we have had almost nightly wakings reminiscent of when they were younger. The only problem now is that with toddlerhood, it is much more "fun" to stay awake. I am torn between going to them to comfort them and letting them "cry it out."
For example, i put them down about 20 minutes ago, Cole has been alternately yelling and "crying." (I think he is adding drama to the crying). I don't want to reinforce the behavior by going to them, but then how do I know if something is really wrong? I know he was OK when I put him down, clean diaper, etc. It's OK now to just have him cry, but last night it went on and on and on until after midnight. (I didn't let him cry THAT long, it was an off and on thing).
How do we regain that happy, restful sleep? I've not changed anything in the bedtime routine. Pretty soon, we'll be back to this.
I hope everyone is feeling better, that you are getting lots of rest and that you are enjoying your new position!!
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