Monday, July 04, 2005


A lot is happening at once with my boys these days. They have so many things they can do and are becoming more and more fun as they move from being infants to children. They can say a lot of words. Aidan says, "baby," "diaper," "hi," "hey," "cracker," "mama," "dada," "car," and of course "uh-oh." Cole says "car," "dog," "bye-bye," "mama," "dada," "down," "uh-oh" and others I am sure I have forgotten at this early hour. They are working on going to sleep without being rocked. We don't let them cry for hours, or even minutes on end. They ususally cry for about 5 minutes and then go to sleep. We got rid of the bottles and now they drink out of cups. We got rid of the expensive formula and they have developed a taste for whole milk. We got rid of the baby food and they eat what we eat (or throw it on the floor, saying "uh-oh"). They can walk assisted with one hand held. They can stand up with out pulling up on something, and then they may dance while standing in place. Their personalities are showing more and more. They love to be with each other and play constantly. They eat more than my 14 year old brother.

I can't believe how far we've come in a year.


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