Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Yes, the moon, whether it was full or not, was shining brightly in the sky last night. I saw 5 clients in 10 hours last night. I came in at 1 pm and did not stop the entire shift. I started at Lakeshore, then to UT-ER, to a PCP's office in Halls, to Blount Memorial ER, to Blount Co. Jail. I was to get off work at 11 pm but did not leave until 11:45 pm. And I still had to do some case wrap up at home. It was difficult for me to wind down and fall asleep.

This may sound strange to people not in the mental health field, but I sometimes need some purely psychotic people mixed in with the depressed/suicidal people to keep this job from bringing me down. I was down last night. I still feel that way a little bit. Part of it has to do with a dear friend who is also hurting and feeling emotional pain over the weekend. I've said this before but I'll say it again: I see a lot of hurting, depressed, suicidal people in my work. But when it hits someone you know and care about, it is not so easy to keep a "distance" from the pain you feel yourself.

On a little lighter note: we took Aidan to the eye doctor yesterday morning. The pede thought his eyes looked a little crossed so he referred us to the only pediatric opthamologist in town. It took almost 2 months to get in. Aidan has pseudostrabisimus, which is a big hairy word for pseudo crossed eyes. His eyes look that way because the bridge of his nose is so wide - an optical illusion, as such. When he looks a certain direction, you can't see much of the white of his eye on the inside, so it looks crossed. The office was really cool; they had toys on the far wall from the exam chair that the dr. had a control for with his foot. He could make the bunny play the drum or the pig move and light up to focus the child to look straight ahead. So no thick glasses and no eye patches for Aidan. He is to return for a check in 4 years :)

I hear a baby calling my name; I better go for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who in the world are you talking about, LOL
thanks for your sweetness and thoughtfullness.
I've made some changes here and am doing some good work in therapy, things are going well, don't expect calls on me anymore :)
Love ya

5:46 AM  

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