Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Cathy was right: Cory did end up getting sick. He got the nasty stuff that the boys have. I am wondering how I escaped with just tonsillitis. (I say that and watch me get the stomach virus next). This is a nasty bug. Cory has had 12 episodes today and Aidan had 10-12 yesterday. It has slowed for Aidan but is still not better. Cory went to the doctor and got a shot of something in his hip to stop the diarrhea. I am just overwhelmed trying to take care of 3 boys. Cory is now asleep thanks to the meds. The piles on the laundry room floor are slowly disappering. Bad mom: the only thing that keeps the boys distracted is their Baby Einstein videos. Otherwise, when I walk out of the room, or just even turn my back, they start to whine. Sheesh.


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