Thursday, June 24, 2004

The Story of Aidan and Cole -- Part 3

Monday, June 14, 2004 Pre-Op, and Surgery

Once we had the go-ahead from Dr. Dinh, the pre-op plans began. Everyone in the room started calling all family members to let them know of the impending arrival. The anesthesiologist came by to tell me about my options and his recommendations. He said that he has twin girls. He claimed that the first 10 weeks were "Hell," but that after that, having two was better because they are really fun and entertain themselves. He was a very nice (and very good looking) man.

The nurse assisting with my surgery was the first nurse I had when I entered the triage room on Friday. I was glad to have her because she was great. Not dumb 'ole Becky. I had to have 3 bags of IV fluid in me before I could go to the operating room. I had to pee about 3 times in an hour because of all of the fluid. Kim had to put in the IV line and she had a hard time with the veins on my right hand. She blew my vein, actually. Not a nice feeling. She got one of the "experts" to come in and do it after that. This woman was no nonsense and there to do her job. She found it immediately.

Because the anesthesia can make you nauseous, they gave me some anti-nausea stuff I had to drink. Kim said, "I recommend you chug this because it is nasty." She was right. It tasted like stomach acid.

Then she had to shave me. These days a c-section incision is below the bikini line. Get the drift?

All of this was very strange and surreal to me. Not to mention that having a c-section was the very last way I wanted to deliver these babies. I realize now that everything, even this, has a purpose that even I may not understand.

They wheeled me down to the OR in my own bed. Waiting for me at the end of the hall was every family member that could be there. It was kinda funny -- I felt like I was running a marathon or something.

Cory and Coleen could come in the OR with me but not until I had my spinal block. Now. I've watched this procedure over and over on the Discovery Health Channel shows. Honestly, people are right when they say it is not that bad. But as with the amnio test, the thought of someone poking a needle where needles shouldn't go can be scary. It did hurt because for some reason the spot he hit made a shooting pain go down my left side. He did some adjustment and it was much better.

It was damn cold in that operating room! They finally laid me down on the table and that's when I felt the numbness come over me. It was very quick actually. Then I started to shake uncontrollably. They let Cory and Coleen come in at that point. Cory told me later that he thought I was shaking because I was scared. Coleen told him it was the medication. I was very glad to have her there because I think it really helped him, too.

Dr. Dinh came in and had them rotate the table towards her. Then apparently the procedure began. Of course, I felt nothing. I saw nothing because they put a sheet in front of you to block your view and to create a sterile field.

When the babies came out, I felt instant relief. I could breathe again! I was told later that my blood pressure went down the instant the placenta was delivered. They had the boys in the warmers to my left. Cory and Coleen went over to check on them and take some pictures. All of this is really a blur to me because I was still shaking from the medication. My mind wasn't straight because of it.

Dr. Dinh popped her head over the sheet and asked me if I had ever had an infection in my bowel. Not that I know of. She said my bowel had adhered itself to my uterus. She was going to try to remove the adhesions. She got most of it but couldn't get to some of it. I really don't know why or how that happened. In the end, I think it was good that I had the surgery because who knows how much worse that condition could have become.

They stapled me together and moved me back to my bed. They handed me my two beautiful boys and wheeled me out of the OR. The only thing I remember as we rolled down the hall was my mom saying, "Oh she's holding both of them!" I think we were all shocked that they were doing so well and did not immediately have to go to the NICU.

Aidan was born at 9:25 pm, weighing 5 lbs., 4 oz. Cole was born at 9:27 pm, weighing 5 lbs., 15 oz.


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