Thursday, June 24, 2004

I don't see how people with higher order multiples remain sane. We are doing a load of laundry per baby every day. Can you imagine having to do just the laundry with those septuplets?

Aidan has conjunctivitis. His little eyes look pitiful. We did get some drops and hopefully that will take care of it. However, his weight is back to his birth weight of 5 lbs., 4 oz. We go back to the doctor monday for another well checkup. Which reminds me, I need to call the insurance company...

I need to go weigh myself. As of yesterday, I've lost 25 lbs. since they were born. My belly looks kind of like some of the people who have had that gastric bypass surgery. I have folds of skin hanging from my belly. I've never cared about showing my middriff, but I would like to use this as an opportunity to be more healthy. I was overweight before I became pregnant. I want to do better, for the boys' sake, but not be obsessive about it. I think that's all my mother in law talks about is being overweight. It is really scary since she's already convinced her other grandson that he is fat. (he is 5 years old and about 80 lbs. -- a little chunk) But I wouldn't say those things to a young child. Oh the in laws...


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