Saturday, April 10, 2004

No one has blogged yet today. People are out of town or still asleep, I guess.

I found this horrifying article in my email. Child antidepressant use is on the rise.

I find this horrifying on many levels.
1. Why are children under 5 taking these meds?
2. Why aren't children and teens of all ages getting psychotherapy?
3. Why don't people take the insurance companies on and battle them over the lack of coverage for psychotherapy? I see this as the biggest battle that mental health advocates have yet to take on in any real effort. Yes, there is the battle for mental health coverage to have parity with physical health coverage. But does that really address this issue?

Our society is quick to jump to the easy and quick fix. Medication for psychiatric problems is important, but it's not a silver bullet. Therapy is hard work. It can also be expensive. But so can hospital stays and suicide attempts and deaths by suicide.

I could go on and on, but it will just make me angry.

Time for breakfast!


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