Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I got back last night, and I was apparently either full of energy or manic. (could be some of both after sitting for three hours in the car). Here's what I did:
1. Took some water and cheese crackers to my husband at work.
2. Went to the grocery store.
3. Unloaded the car and put groceries away.
4. Unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.
5. Gave the dog a bath.
6. Put a load of laundry in the wash.
7. Cleaned the shower/tub.
8. Gathered the trash and took the can to the curb
9. Made lunches for myself and Cory for today.
10. Entered purchases in the checkbook
11. Put my stuff from the trip away.
12. Watched the end of the Lady Vols vs. Stanford bb game. Go Vols!

I hope that I do not pay for all of this tomorrow. It takes about a day for sleep deprivation to set in for me. I did rest a lot more in Nashville than I normally do, so maybe I'll be ok. It was kind of nice to have the entire bed to myself for a night.

I hope that Cory is not on the verge of a burnout. He has worked both jobs for 2 days in a row and has to do it again today. He got to move to a different bank branch, but that hasn't really helped so far. He works from 8-4:30ish and then has to be at Lowes from 5-11. I think the relaxing vacation has worn off quickly with that schedule. I hope he is OK the rest of this week. I don't want this schedule to affect his primary job and him make more mistakes. Apparenly, though, this particular branch is very slow. He went to the library and checked out Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil after our trip to Savannah. It is supposed to be mostly historical stuff about Savannah. He has read 7 chapters of this book (that's how slow it is at work!). Now, I write this down because I want it to be recorded somewhere that he is reading a book and will probably finish it soon! This is not a normal behavior and I am glad he is reading something. He took 3 ghost tours in Charleston and 2 in Savannah, as well. I refused because I was worn out at night AND my imagination is already overactive when it comes to spooky stuff.

Ok, I guess I better put my shoes on and get ready for work. I'll read some other blogs first!


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