Saturday, March 27, 2004

I'm baaaack!!!!!

I've been back since yesterday, but I've not really had the will to do anything on the computer until now.

I really am not sure how to sum up the entire week I've been on vacation. Maybe I can do some segments as I am able to remember it. I could have blogged on Monday afternoon at a cafe we went to. I probably really needed to since that was the worst day for me emotionally the entire week. But by the time I wanted to get on the computer, some guy started hogging it. Oh well, that's in the past anyway.

I will say that I enjoyed Savannah more than Charleston. I've been to Charleston before, and it really doesn't have any "mystique" for me anymore. Savannah, however, was a lot of fun! If were not pregnant, i probably would have enjoyed it even more. I think it took the Charleston half of our trip for the guilt trips from my husband to stop. Or maybe I was more emotionally stable once we were in Savannah. I dunno what it was. Maybe it was the seafood. I quit eating it so much when we got to Savannah; Cory ate it every night, but i was sick of it by Tuesday.

I had a hard time going back to the old double bed at home. We had nice queen sized beds at both of the B&B's where we stayed. It is amazing how much more room you have! I would consider getting a queen; however, our bedroom suite is one that I inherited from a great aunt. the bed frame is full size and I don't think a queen mattress will fit. I am not giving up that furniture, ever. I am sure it is antique and I really like it a lot.

so I did not sleep well last night with less room PLUS the dog. I've not felt well all day either. I started some yard work this morning. I completed one part of a bulb planting project, but I wanted to do a little more. my mom came over with a glider rocker and ottoman she found for $50 at a yard sale. we took the dog and went to more yard sales. i spent 50 cents on two crib sheets :) i love yard sales!

I am physically ready for these babies to be here. i feel more and more clausterphobic every day. it's harder for me to breathe, eat, and do anything that requires bending, twisting, etc. i am at 23 weeks, which i call the point of no return... since now they can supposedly survive outside the womb. albit, this is not the ideal situation for them to be born any time soon! I just feel like we've made it past another milestone. i still feel good in general. i think i just ate too much dinner. i hope that i can sleep tonight.


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