Thursday, April 07, 2005

We have cabin fever. Although the 2 previous days have been nice, I've been forced to stay inside because of the boys runny noses and coughing. We are going to get out today and go visit my mom at her work.

I have these constant battles with my husband about the fact that he thinks I don't do enough around the house. He feels like I should be able to simultaneously care for the boys and go through things in the garage. He says that he has found a way to do both things at once. I choose to play with the boys and hold them a lot. I still get things done. If I have to start making a list, I guess I will. I vaccuumed the house. I swept and mopped the kitchen floor. I did the dishes in the sink. I fed the boys breakfast, bottles, lunch, bottles and put them down for two naps. I took them out to the garage for about 45-60 minutes and went thru some things for the yard sale. (Incidentally, I could not reach many of the items since they were on the top shelf). I cleaned the dining room table from the dinner the night before. I cleaned off both high chairs and washed the chair pads.

I just don't know what else he expects from me. He started in on me again last night. If this doesn't get any better, we will have to go for marriage counseling. I don't know how much more I can take.

I do have an energy problem. I need to exercise. How can I when I have sick children that have to stay inside? It's like a Catch 22 that I can't escape. It also contributes to an increased depressed mood.

I took a nap this morning when the boys went down, and I was more exhausted when I woke up than when i went to sleep. I just don't get it sometimes. I don't like being dependent upon drinking coffee, but sometimes I need it. Like, right now!


Blogger djuggler said...

I was drinking two pots of coffee a day, one in the morning and one at night. I just couldn't seem to pull myself together and make things click. Then I gave up the coffee cold turkey for a couple of weeks straight and I found that the coffee addiction had actually been my problem all along. I wasn't functioning at all as well on the coffee as I thought. I later allowed myself to have a cup a day (mind you, I dropped cokes and caffeinated tea at the same time--so a can of coke counted as my one cup a day). I drank mostly water and hot teas and found myself much more energized and high functioning.

I am not back to 3 cups a day somedays but most days is 1.5 cups or less.

Good luck with all! Let us know how we can help.

9:24 PM  

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