Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Today has been one of those days you'd like to forget. The weather is crummy; cold, wet, windy. Aidan has had a fever since last night which makes him feel terrible. He proclaims how he feels by crying and wanting to be held. Then I have another infant who is going through separation anxiety and cries when I leave the room. I have a husband who is stressed to the limit about the money being poured out to start his own business (on top of the money we already owe) so that we can hopefully pay off the debt we are already in. It feels like a vicious cycle of pain, tension that blows up into anger at the people you love. I bit his head off and that makes him feel more worthless.

I must develop an intervention for myself so that I can stop myself from lashing out at the people I love and THE person who helps me out the most. If Cory didn't do all that he did, I probably would have already been a client of the very program where I am employed.

I can tell the stress is getting to us. We both are physically feeling pain, tension. We are being crushed under the weight of our debt.


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