Monday, April 25, 2005

God will provide. I have to remember that. My mother in law bought us a battery for the van. Apparently it died again at her church yesterday so she took Cory to get a new one.

Doug has a quite inspiring post on his blog today. He even quotes one of my favorite books, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I was first attracted to the book because of the name. I wrote my high school senior research paper on Lewis Carroll and his Alice books. I discovered in those books what Doug discusses in his post: Alice is on a search for purpose. A lot of the literary criticism centers around Carroll's drug use (that he was tripping when he wrote the book) but I chose to look at the themes of youth and searching for purpose (existential themes). It was a time in my life when there was about to be a lot of change. I was about to graduate from high school and move away from home for the first time. Not just move out to go to school, but I would move 5 hours away to the wilds of the Virginia Shenandoah Valley. As I take the time to look back, I am so thankful for the opportunity to go to Washington and Lee. Yes, the education was important, but what has been most important to me is that I made friends for life at W&L.


Blogger kerid said...

I'm also thankful that you went to Washington & Lee :)

4:24 PM  

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