Sunday, April 24, 2005

In February we bought a used Chevrolet Venture van. We had a 4 door car, however we learned that car seats do not often fit in an average sized car, especially if you are any taller than 5 foot 5 inches. Cory complained every time he had to drive the car. Hence the van.

The van is used and had a little over 51,000 miles on it being a 2002 model. We got a good deal on it while Cory's brother was still working at the car lot. Now, we have to buy new tires and probably a new battery. We are looking at $300+ for all of this (Shawn has a friend who will get us a deal on the tires). We had to jump the van this morning so that Cory could take the boys to his mom's church for the afternoon.

I drive so much for my job that the milage reimbursement is starting to not cover gas/maintenance/wear and tear on our vehicles. With gas prices so high, a reimbursement rate of 35 cents per mile just doesn't cut it anymore.

Our current clinical supervisor at Mobile Crisis is leaving and a new one has been hired from within the current team. We will have to address this issue with him soon. I don't see a change in the current trend for gasoline prices, and that is my gripe for the day.


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