Friday, April 22, 2005

I thought I just wanted to pass out only 30 minutes ago. The boys did not want to sleep last night. It didn't help that we went to a late softball game of Cory's and they fell asleep on the way home from Alcoa. They had their second wind while Cory and I were absolutely exhausted.

They are awake for the day now, and I still want to sleep. I looked around at our wreck of a house (since I was exhausted yesterday from mowing the day before and taking Aidan to PT, nothing got done), and I decided to get up and get moving. Now the dishwasher is humming, the clothes washer is running, and the piles of clothes and shoes are put away in my room. I've got one more load of dishes for the dishwasher and more piles of clothes to fold and put away. You could probably care less about the mundane list of chores I have to do, but it helps me to put it down in writing so that I can see that I need to get it done.

The boys have started eating table food regularly now. I still can't figure out the bottle/milk thing. Last week, they would drink down an 8 oz bottle first thing in the morning. The past few days, all they will drink is 4-5 oz and barely eat any solid food. I guess they are teething or just not very hungry. Oh well.

I have to go back to work today. It is supposed to storm bad today so I hope I don't have to go out on many calls.


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