Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Inspired by Pregnant In America, I have my own list of stupid things people say to me and my response (internal responses, I don't say these things out loud. Although, I probably should...)
"Are they twins?" No dumbass, I had one and my mom had one.
"Are they boys or girls?" Are the blue clothes with sports motifs a clue...
"Are they identical?" Look at them... NO
"How do you tell them apart?" We just had one of them circumcised.
"I wish that I could have twins!" The hell you do.
"Oh he must be hungry/tired/sun in eyes..." How would you know? Are you psychic?
"You'll spoil him by holding him too much." Seeing as how there are two of them, I DON'T think holding them too much will be the problem.
"Are you going to have any more?" Do you think I am thinking about that now with 3 month old TWINS??


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