Thursday, August 26, 2004

I am slowly removing things from my office. Yesterday I took down one of my degrees. That got me thinking about things I will miss about my job:
1. having my own, rather large, office
2. constant internet access with great speed
3. Stacy
4. Linda
5. working on an issue that is important to me
6. playing games on MSN messenger with my coworker at the end of the day (and sometimes in the middle of the day)

Ok, here are the things I will NOT miss about my job:
1. my boss
2. driving to the other end of town at the same time as everyone else in town
3. public speaking
4. public speaking to middle and high school students who don't give a rats ass about your topic
5. working in community groups to plan events with people who have passive aggressive attitudes
6. shopping for items for a program that your agency probably shouldn't be doing in the first place
7. wondering why i have my masters degree when i am shopping for items at wal-mart

There are probably more on both lists that I may add later. Did I mention that I can't wait to get out of here??


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