Friday, August 13, 2004

I apologize for being a "tease." I have been worn out today.

First thing this morning I had to be at an event to help a coworker. I was there until about 2:30 pm. No one was at the office when i arrived. My boss came in shortly after that. I asked if we could talk for a bit and he said yes. I said, "I don't really know how to do this so here." I handed him the letter.
Boss: "So my only question is how are you going to do this financially?"
Me: (it's really none of his business, but i'll play nice) "I am exploring my options."
Boss: "What options do you have?"
Me: "well, there are some positions open that I am looking at"
Boss: "I was just wondering because one of those options called today."
Me: "Are you serious?!"
Boss: "Yeah, Covenant Health called and left a message wanting to verify employment."


He took it well. I had intended on giving it to him yesterday but we were so busy helping Stacy with today's event that it just didn't happen. I'm going to have a ton of work to do between now and September 10. I have my school program to start scheduling and other stuff to do. Boss is busy with events and such so he won't be looking at hiring anyone for a few weeks. I think it is a mistake to wait, but hey, I won't be working there anymore.

I just can't believe those stupid HR people called him already. I was wanting them to wait until I gave my notice. Oh well. It all worked out with minimal drama.

If anyone out there living in Knoxville wants my old job, let me know.


Blogger Cathy said...

Owie! That sounds horrible. Your old job doesn't sound very pleasant.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Hula Doula said...

YIKES! I hate that when they do that!! Good luck with your new job!!!

7:48 PM  

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