Thursday, August 19, 2004

The doctor called me in some medication yesterday. Xanax and Lexapro. The damn insurance company will not approve the Lexapro without "prior authorization." This crap happens all the time to the people who call our office. I'm no different then they are. Why would they approve the drug that is addictive and not the one that could REALLY help me.

I left work at 1:30 yesterday and went home to sleep. That sleep was destroyed by Cole who could not lie down in his crib after the midnight feeding. The entire rest of the night either Cory or I had to hold him to sleep. This does not allow for good sleep on the part of the parent. I only feel marginally better today. Again I almost fell asleep in the car on the way to work. I couldn't take the Xanax because I don't have the luxury of being able to pass out. I have to take care of my babies. I'm still exhausted.

Cory STILL keeps bringing up the fact that he works at a physical job and some how he works harder than the rest of us (meaning me). At one of our middle-of-the night feedings, he said, "I worked while you sat on your butt at home." I said, "I did not sit on my butt, i was f***ing exhausted!" I don't curse like that often, but it seems like I have to sometimes with him for him to know how I feel.

The exhaustion is setting in now that I am sitting up in my office chair. I hope I can make it through the day.


Blogger Hula Doula said... don't want me to get started on him now do you?
He may work a physical job BUT both of you are working and you have two children. THUS both of you have to help to make it work. When did the children become your sole responsibility?
Sweetie, do you have someone close by that can give you a hand? Do you have a Local MOPS chapter that you can call and cry on their shoulder? What about your mom? What about a friend.
It sounds like you and hubby need to have a good nights rest. May be you all can talk resonably after having some sleep!

11:00 PM  
Blogger Scooter Deb said...

It wouldn't matter if you didn't work outside the house at all, and just stayed home with the kids all day. It's still work! And you had the kids WITH him, therefore, he also gets to pitch in. I think it was good that he had the boys alone for a day, so that he could practice his baby skills (maybe that's why he's shoving off some responsibility?? He's concerned he doesn't do as good a job as you??).

12:33 PM  

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