Monday, August 16, 2004

Keep Your Mouth Shut

My father-in-law and his wife visited last night. He asked who we were going to vote for. He said he would vote for Bush because he felt like Bush would protect us for the next four years. I also overheard him tell Cory something about Bush being a Christian and that he was a member in "our" religion.

I had to fight to keep my mouth shut. As I have mentioned before, I am the black sheep of my family in my political and social views. I guess everyone feels like since I am the "different" one that they can just bombard me with their views to "convince" me that I am wrong. I don't try to change your mind on your views, so just leave me the ruck alone. That's what I want to say.

I can't say on how many levels that this type of talk scares me. I hope that only 49% of voters feel the same way he does. Even if Kerry gets a majority, I'm sure the Bushies have found a way to fix the election again.

Are we just replaying the 1960's and 1970's? Anyone like analogies?
The 2000 Presidential Election is to Watergate as The Iraq War is to the Vietnam War.

Do any American History teachers feel like they are teaching something completely futile? I know I would feel that way. Aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes?

I took a 6 week class my Freshman year in college all about the Vietnam War. This period of history was such a turning point for America that it warrants in-depth analysis. That was one of the hardest and best classes I ever had. I just wonder what will be taught about the Iraq War(s) in the years to come. It scares me to think about all of the deception that went on during Vietnam and how that is still happening with this current President.

Feel free to comment! I'll listen to any side of the story.


Blogger Julie said...

Your in laws and the rest 'like them' scare the hell out of me. Don't they see the damage he has done? Hello? I would vote for my cats butthole over Bush. I can't constrain my disdain for him and the damage he has done. But I'm getting married to a pro bush what a great christian he is guy, but he doesn't vote, the best kind of republican.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

I think I sounded crazy. What I meand to say, Is I agree w/ you and I fear another four years of Bush. Hope that sounds better.

11:06 PM  

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