Saturday, July 17, 2004

What A Day

Rachael likes to read my blog so that she knows there are others who are having a bad day. Well, Rach, this one takes the prize.

Mom came over this morning, and we were working at getting things done around the house. I had the laundry going, and I was putting the boys' clothes away. Mom decided to take our recycling for us. She was trying to load her vehicle when our dog, Jackie, got out. The neighbor one house down has a large black dog chained up. Jackie likes to play with any dog, and she loves people. Mom came back inside to get me to help her get Jackie. I went outside and I heard Jackie yelping and screaming. I screamed, "Jackie!!" and started to run over there. I tripped and fell smack onto the neighbor's driveway. Mom screamed, "Alice!!" The neighbor grabbed Jackie as I went back into the house. I scraped my knees and my right arm. Jackie has two puncture wounds on the back of her neck.

My poor mother had me, Jackie and the boys to care for. Thank goodness the boys were asleep during this scene. However, they were due to eat within the hour. She brought me ice packs for my knees and 4 ibuprophen. When the medication kicked in, I went to the drugstore for some large bandages. I came back home and took Jackie to the vet. She is on antibiotics and will stay inside for a few days.

The neighbor came over and apologized and said that he called animal control on his own dog because it had turned mean. Animal Control came over just now and we were issued a warning for breaking the leash law. We keep her in the fence, but she is sneaky when ever you open the door and will try to get out.

So that has been my day.


Blogger Cathy said...

Makes our toilet flooding the bathroom seem like nothing. Poor Alice.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

You could call the wah-mbulance on me ;)

9:59 PM  

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