Saturday, May 15, 2004

"Another Saturday morning and I ain't got nobody..."

Oh wait, wrong lyrics ;)

Yes, I know it's early. I should try to rest and sleep as much as possible. My belly is so big now that I am very uncomfortable in most lying down positions. Actually, in most sitting positions i am also uncomfortable.

I'm feeling sorry for myself this morning. I wanted to take things to my aunt's yard sale but decided not to because I was too tired. I'm also boycotting because she should be going to my brother's graduation. Hardly anyone from our family is going. I can't go because his college is 3 1/2 hours away. Can't travel anymore.

Cory is at work. So poor me, I'm all alone. I know that I should be glad to have the alone time. I'll probably wish for it in a few weeks when the babies are here. One of the strange things about this pregnancy is that I cannot stand to be alone. I normally enjoy it. So, I'll be having my pity party today.

My brother's dog is here for several days. I just looked outside and she has curled up in front of the back door. i wonder if she slept there or in her dog house. It's good to have another dog here because it wears Jackie (our dog) out. Until Cory lost his job, we were looking to get another dog so that she wouldn't be bored with out us. Now we've put that search on hold.

Ok, I think my first task today will be breakfast.


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