Monday, March 08, 2004

things are REALLY starting to change and I don't know if i like it. (pouty face here)

my husband has taken a second job to help us pay some bills off and make it through having twins. he has done this before and he has also had jobs where he has worked 2nd shift, too. i think we have both been spoiled by his 8-5 schedule since he's worked at the bank. i actually LIKE having him around. that's why we got married, right? well, circumstances as they are, he is working 3 nights a week now at a home improvement store. we get a 10% discount, plus the added income. but then i miss him those night he's not here. i guess i should enjoy being alone in the peace and quiet (well, alone except for the dog). but i tend to get bored and then fall into TV land. i was thinking about going to my parent's house, but by the time i got home, just couldn't force myself to get into the car and get on the road again. again, i think it is the change, not the actual being alone that bothers me.

also, he told me today that he was feeling very tired. i am concerned because when he is stressed, it is difficult to get him to talk about it constructively. i am trying VERY hard to not be like his mom and badger him into talking. that is usually counterproductive. i am SURE that he is tired because he is extrememely stressed. but he won't talk to me about it and he is being short and saying things in a way that he only does when he is in high anxiety mode. i am just afraid for his health. diabetes runs in his family.

side note: i stopped for gas before coming home and was approached by a man asking me for $1 for gas. i had $12 in my hand, which probably didn't fill up my tank. i told him that i couldn't spare a $1. but i probably could have. now i feel guilty that i didn't do anything for him. i need to find a resource for people like that because this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that this happens to me. i just get frustrated when i feel like i can't do anything to help.

ok, i am now on the verge of extreme hunger. i'm going to scavenge now. i left the evil Girl scout cookies at work. otherwise, they might disappear.


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