Tuesday, March 09, 2004

ok so American Idol didn't come on last night. oops. i ended up watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. i didn't get to finish the second episode because i got an important phone call. i wanted to see it because apparently this guy they helped has OCD and his apartment was a pig sty. nasty.

it took me 40 minutes to get to work today. i took all back roads from my house to the office. TDOT is making my life harder. if you notice on their web page, all of their "news" is about projects in KNOXVILLE. all of them affect routes that take me from home to work and back. i do need to find a better way than i took today. my dad travels all over town since he is a pool man, i think i'll ask him.

there is a meeting going on in the conference room. i hope it is a productive one.

i made a big pot of soup so that Cory would have something different to take for dinner tonight. he usually takes sandwiches for lunch. now that he is working a second job, he complained that he did not want to eat sandwiches all day. i don't blame him. so i made a 15 bean soup. it's pretty easy actually. the grocery story usually sells a bag of mixed beans that you can just soak and then cook. i add a can of diced tomatoes, an onion, GARLIC, and spices. it is goooood! so i brought the rest of it for lunch for everyone today. yum!


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