Tuesday, March 02, 2004

my brother in law was supposed to be here about 30 minutes ago. husband and b-in-l are planning to play a playstation game. husband and i have plans to watch American Idol at 8 pm. it is now 10 after 7. i just told my husband that if they wanted to play a game that they wouldn't have time to finish it before 8.

now i am being asked to get off of the internet so that he can make a phone call. i would be interested to see what would happen if the tables were turned, and i asked him to get off the internet in the middle of "setting line ups" for some goofy fantasy sports team.

i really wanted my brother in law to get over here and get gone before i tried to really relax this evening. i like him as a person, but he is just such a large person (not just in body) that he really takes up a lot of my personal space. he always claims the recliner that i really need at this point in my pregnancy. i like to sit in my own living room with no restrictions. i usually can't do that when he is here. i guess that i am usually around and talk to so many people during the day, that i want to be alone with my husband and my dog in the evenings. there won't be very many more days when it will be just the 3 of us.

these feelings are in conflict with the fact that my husband and his brother are probably the best friends that they each have. that is a great sibling relationship and i don't want to come in between that. it is just difficult for me to strike a balance sometimes. i also go to be at 10 pm and usually they are playing games until later than then. i like to have my hubby in bed with me :(
i guess i'll just have to get over it. it will all change soon and he won't be coming over like this much longer when the babies are here.


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