Monday, March 01, 2004

i've added yet another list of links to my blog. if i knew how to, i would just have my own website. oh well. maybe one day i can take a class or something like that. for now, this is all i have. so check out some of my favorite artists/bands in my new list.

i know that i am getting tired. however, my feet and hands are swelling again. i just need to be salt-free. i am sure that it is the food i had for dinner that contributed to this problem. my eyes are starting to cross and my head is heavy. i just looked at my hands and it is very disturbing. i'll try to drink some more water but it will just mean i have to get up in the middle of the night. ok, i need to get ready for bed.

i guess that blogging could be ok and not be a "soft addiction" like TV. at least i am thinking and not doing something mind-numbing. after a few days of actively avoidng TV (rather than being sucked in), i rather enjoy the other things that i've been doing. i used to read A LOT. i think after graduate school, i found it very hard to read for fun. reading was my escape, but it's also how i learned a lot of what i still find valuable now. i wish i could get back into that groove. i am working on it, slowly but surely. i still have a shelf full of books from the used book store that i have not read. i promised myself to not buy any new books until i read what is on that shelf! well, i have a few new books but they are mainly about pregnancy, which became an urgent matter for research!

ok, now i really am going to bed. night night.


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