Tuesday, March 02, 2004

i'm so excited! i just found out that one of my friends from college and his wife are going to have a baby! he sent me the pictures of her first ultrasound. the fetus looks like a tadpole right now. she had one early to date the pregnancy. they are both red-heads, so i wonder if they will have a red headed baby. how exciting! i wish that we lived closer so that we could meet and chat about being pregnant. it's almost like you have your own new club when you are pregnant and you notice other pregnant women (even perfect strangers) and want to compare stories.

i try to stay positive about going to talk to high school students but sometimes it is really difficult and discouraging. especially today when it is nasty and rainy outside. especially when you just want to stay in bed.

i sent out this email i got called "how well do you know me?" i just want to publish what my husband said because it has me on the verge of tears.
Your name: Cory Brown
Where did we meet: AOL/Java
Take a stab at my middle name: ________
How long have you known me: 5 years
Do I smoke: better not
Do I believe in God: yes
What was your first impression of me upon meeting: What a hot mama
Color of my eyes: Brown
Do I have any siblings: yes, 2 awesome brothers
What's one of my favorite things to do: Read and eat
Do you remember one of the first things I said to you: not really
What's my favorite type of music: anything on 100.3 the river!
What is the best feature about me: intelligence
Am I shy or outgoing: in between, but starting to come out of your shell.
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: a little of both
Any special talents: Singing and Trivial Pursuit heiress
Would you consider me a friend: I really hope so
If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: Schmalice
What's your favorite memory of me: Everyday

can you believe that?! he is so sweet!

i'll publish what other people said in response to this email later. some of them are pretty funny, maybe not to anyone else, but certainly to me!


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