Saturday, February 28, 2004

every room except one clean! woohoo! i think i'll wait to dust and vacuum the computer/laundry room when i am finished with the laundry. that may not be until later tonight. i am washing my clothes now so that i'll have something to wear once i finally take a shower.

cory took the dog for a walk and i took a 2 hour nap. i think he also went by my parents' house to pick up something my mom got for the babies' room. i only turned on the tv for background noise while i slept. didn't watch it at all because i conked out immediately. i woke up very hot because it is nice, sunny and warm outside. and to think it was 32 degrees and inches of snow on the ground just two days ago. welcome to east tennessee!

the dog is napping now, blissfully sleeping in the sun coming through the living room window. i think cory has been washing his truck and vacuumming. i was hoping against hope that he would do my car too. he just said, "probably not, (something unintelligible)." oh well. i guess that will wait for the next pretty weekend. i just don't see myself doing all of that bending after cleaning the whole house. i do desire to get it done, but i don't want to push my body too far.

i read a parenting magazine we just ordered. i wish i hadn't read the article on elective cesarian sections. it just scared me even more. i know they want to inform you, and information is important. however, some of it i just can't handle. i couldn't finish the article. please pray that these babies both present head down (vertex) so that i don't have to have surgery. i get to the point that my anxiety subsides (in fact, i've been feeling pretty good this week) and then i read something like that. maybe i should check my bp now.


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