Saturday, April 18, 2009

CNN || White House tries to combat drug demand with rehab

I'm glad to see that the 'war on drugs' has plans to incorporate more treatment. But, drug courts won't work if there aren't sufficient funds for the actual rehab services. They should also address in funding treatment, the vast majority of people with addictions also have a co-occurring mental illness. Most of the people I see in therapy who have or had drug problems have experienced significant trauma in their lives. The drugs numb those feelings and people don't have to 'think' about the pain. I hope that the new drug czar can see how these problems are linked and hopefully not just give money to a few 'token' programs or create more unfunded mandates. I'll step off the soap box now...;jsessionid=11BC94F87D0ED71953393BA8221A792B.live7ib
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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