Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Wiped Out

I am attending a parenting class every Tuesday afternoon since last week. The discussion today was very interesting. All of the parents there were moms. Some of the moms were questioning "tantrums" and "bad behavior" in children who are still infants, 7, 8 mos. old. It continually amazes me that the greatest "job" and hardest "work" in the world does not come with instructions or training is not required. The woman teaching our class is SO knowledgable and explains things so well. She mentioned some research that was done on corporal punishment. The studies apparently looked at inmates in San Quentin prison and another studied first time offenders in a state I can now no longer recall. All of the inmates at San Quentin had been hit as children and 80% of the first timers had been hit as children. WOW. What are we doing? This is proof that most people don't know what the hell they are doing.

So the boys played with the child care workers for a few hours during the class, then we went to our Mother Goose music class. We are all worn out. I must be fighting sleep like they were. I'm just catching up with some old blogging buddies.

Blogs are Weird

What do you think? Do you think it strange that we put some of our most intimate thoughts out there on the internet for others to read? What is so attractive about the blog? Why would some find it strange? Do we just want to live vicariously through others? Sometimes I find myself doing this.

Babies Update
If you have not seen the pictures yet, Cole is crawling EVERYWHERE. Aidan is saying dadadada and many other nonsense syllables. Aidan had to have a physical therapy evaluation because the doctor thought he was "lagging" too much. He is ok, just a little floppy and needs to do some exercises. For their gestational age, he is on target. That must mean that Cole is miles ahead in gross motor skills. He has always been "strong." One of my assignments for my parenting class is to make a book about both of my boys. I don't feel like going to bed, so I may start on that now... night.


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