Saturday, March 05, 2005

the boys spent the night with their gigi last night. We are going to the twins sale today. No, that is not where they sell twin children. The area twins/parents of multiples club has a consignment sale every year. I do not participate because being a member of the club costs money. I need money for things like, oh, food.

I miss my blogging. it was a way for me to put down some thoughts and feelings about some things that i don't always get to say out loud. i think it's time to come back to that.

I think i was having some revulsion from the computer because my last job required that I use it so much. There is such a thing as over use and over-stimulation. I was spending too much time in front of "screens". I don't do well living like that. i realize this now because I've stayed away from the computer and the TV for about a month now. I cut down on TV for lent. I've started reading books again instead of turning on the television to go to sleep at night. It is much more relaxing to read books.

So anyway, i am waiting for my mom to come by and pick me up so we can go to the sale where I will try to not spend a lot of money that I do not have.


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