Thursday, July 01, 2004

Gripe du jour

Cory has come home every night and played a silly PlayStation game for hours on end. I realize that they are just infants, but it would be nice to establish some family time. Or some time for he and I to connect while the boys are asleep. I wish I could kill the TV. I would just get the newspaper for the news. Or better yet, read it online. Or even better, listen to the radio.

The Positive Things

In an attempt to improve my mood, I will end this blog entry with positives.
My mother in law, for all of her annoyances and the differences we have, stayed last night with the boys. I told her to wake me up if she needed help and she assured me that she would. She didn't wake me up and I slept from about 10:30 pm to 4:30 am. Wow! Six whole hours of uninterrupted sleep! I felt like a new woman.

Twice today Aidan and Cole fell asleep while I was trying some simultaneous burping. It is a challenge, but I love holding them at the same time. I was miserable at the end of my pregnancy, but I miss having that closeness with them 24/7.

Even with all of the difficulties that women in our society face, I would not for a minute wish to be a man. Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are gifts from God that only women can ever fully understand. And I was lucky enough to get two at once.

It pains me to think of the many women who would like to have a child of their own and cannot for one reason or another.

I may decide to never PLAN on becoming pregnant again, but I never want to forget this incredible miracle.


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