Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Marathon Doctor's Visit

My mom picked me up this morning to take me to the doctor. Cory couldn't go for an all day doctor appointment, so she went with me. He did the ultrasound first and checked my cervix. No dialation=good. On all of the measurments of the babies, he would enter the number and on the screen I would see "32wk." This means that these babies are huge for their gestational age. They both probably weigh over 3 lbs. each. At 28, almost 29 weeks, I am carrying over 6 lbs. of baby!!!

The rest of the visit was my blood test for gestational diabetes. I had my blood drawn 4 times. Fun! I am guessing that I probably have gestational diabetes because i have several high-risk factors:
1. the babies are large
2. i gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks (yikes!)
3. my mom had two large babies and was "borderline" gestational diabetic with my youngest brother
4. I am carrying twins, which increases your risk because of the added hormones.

I will be very surprised if my test is negative for gestational diabetes.

We also found out that one of the babies has moved into the head-down (vertex) position. One down, one to go. The other one is very high and transverse, with his head stuck into my right side. Hence, we discovered an explanation for the rib pain.

No problems with blood pressure or anything else.

Blog tomorrow...


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