Monday, May 03, 2004

Is it really 1:40 pm on Monday?

I didn't blog at all this weekend. Sometimes, I just can't sit in front of the computer at home. I'd rather be in bed.

I had an event this weekend with my Kiwanis club. Each spring we have a fundraiser and we host a mini-golf tournament. I ran it this year, and we did much better than we did last year. (technically, i was in charge last year too, but didn't do as much then). It was fun and we had a decent number of participants (for the lack of publicity). I had planned on running several errands after that, but my body had a different idea.

I had a contraction while we were at the mini-golf course. It was just a random contraction, but then, after lunch, I really felt just icky. I went to one store and decided it was time to go home. I had another contraction, and after talking to my mom, I decided to call the doctor just to be safe.

The doctor called back and says, "At 28 weeks with twins, your uterus has probably decided that you are full term." I just laughed. He said as long as they are not regular, close together, no bleeding or spotting, etc. that I was fine.

I need to ask him for further clarification on how I will know they are "real" labor contractions. (like he would know since he's a man) For one reason, my belly is already stretched so tight that the tightness of a contraction is hard to distinguish. I also do not want to go into pre-term labor at this point. Very bad!

Tomorrow is my glucose tolerance test and another ultrasound. I don't know how I am going to survive fasting and not eating breakfast or anything until late morning/early afternoon. I took the day off from work, and my mom is going with me.

Any suggestions on how to survive the empty stomach? I'm just afraid that I will puke.


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