Monday, May 03, 2004

I've been sitting too long. My side is starting to hurt again. Thank God it is 3 pm.

Another weekend story (i should have blogged this as it happened. i probably wouldn't have been so neurotic about it if I had):

We put the dog outside. Now, Jackie started out as an outside dog. We got her at 5 mos., and I brought her in at 6 mos. because she was spayed and had to stay in for a few days. She stayed for 6 months. She started sleeping in the bed and pretty much had the run of the house. She is my baby. Cory would probably disagree, but I say that I do most of the Jackie care-taking.

So when we put her out, I had a breakdown. No small tears, either. It was a full-on break-your-heart breakdown. I am absolutely nuts. It was a lot more comfortable to not have her in the bed that night. However, she keeps me company when Cory is at work. For some reason, since I have been pregnant, I hate being alone. (this accounts for the many visits to my parents' house).

Yesterday, I had another crying fit because I missed her. She was just outside, but I can't sit outside all day. So Cory let her in. My crying was not intentionally manipulative (like it MIGHT have been in the past). I'm just wigged out emotionally, and I have no control. She stayed in until *I* was ready to put her out myself. That's what I finally decided, I had to do it, no body else.

So now we are looking for another dog :) another little baby to keep her company. My mom thinks I'm crazy, but everyone else (including Cory!) thinks it's a good idea.


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