Thursday, March 11, 2004

i think today's discussion about working from home went surprisingly well. i will remain hopeful about it while he considers it.

i just talked to my husband. i realize now that he has been stressed about his full time job and some things going on there, not just the part-time job. he works for a local bank. he was initially hired as a teller, but while in the teller training class, he was moved to operations supervisor training. part of that training is travelling to different branches to be trained by the current ops supervisor at that branch. the past two branches he has been to have been a source of frustration and stress because he feels like he is not being training properly. he often is put on a teller window to do that job. he has made a couple of mistakes at the teller window in the past week or so. now his supervisor wants to meet with him in the AM. he was not told what the meeting was for. so now he is stressed about what MIGHT be said at that meeting. i think he has the potential to do well at this job, but he is a highly organized person. right now, he is working with an unorganized person. he is working with people who often like to just chit chat rather than work. he does not cope with that very well. i think if he would just let go of some of these 'hang ups' he might feel better. this is easier said than done. i went to therapy for several months before i started to calm down. and i am still a highly anxious person. as you can tell, i am concerned about him. my mom says "let him be stressed so that he knows what it feels like. it's not going to get any better." i agree to a point, but i also know that stress can have a physical affect on your body. not to mention, stress can be a gateway to other more severe mental health problems. I think what he needs are some new coping skills. the problem with that is he would have to seek the opportunity to learn those skills. that's probably not going to happen. but hey, stranger things have happened (like my boss considering letting me work from home. who knew?)


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